This is a Society for practising Citrus Nursery Professionals. The focus on Citrus Nursery issues which was initiated way back in 1981 when the decision was made to form the Society is still the focus and driving force today.
The Objectives of the Society as listed in the constitution were:
1. TO ENCOURAGE and further the exchange of technical information and results of research pertaining to the propagation of citrus nursery trees and nursery industry related topics.
2. TO PROMOTE the production and use of citrus plants of quality which are true to type for the cultivar and have the maximum guarantee possible of freedom from pests and diseases.
3. TO PRMOTE the development of a program for the exchange and introduction of citrus cultivars from one country to another by the use of technically prepared disease free propagation material.
4. TO COMPILE comparative economic studies with the aim of providing stability in the marketing of citrus nursery products.
5. TO HAVE congress meetings every three to four years in various countries as determined by the members of the ISCN.
6. TO COMMUNICATE regularly with all members of the Society.
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