Business Directory

Business Directory

PO Box 269
+61 (0)3 5027 4411

Australia's citrus seed and budwood scheme. Australian Citrus Propagation Association Incorporated, trading as Auscitrus.

480 Cr 416S, Lake Panasoffkee, FL 33538
United States of America
+1 352 793 6861

Brite Leaf Citrus Nursery is located in Lake Panasoffkee, Florida, located about 1 hour north of Tampa. We are a family owned and operated containerized citrus nursery. Our primary customer is the commercial grove owner. We have been selling to commercial growers since 1998, and have been involved in the citrus industry for many years prior to starting our nursery.

We are involved in many aspects of the citrus industry, have a long-standing love and respect for the industry, and are active in citrus associations to help improve and promote Florida citrus. We are members of the FNGLA (Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association), Florida Citrus Mutual and the PRVCGA (Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association).

Our commitment to quality shows and we know you will be able to see this in our trees.

207 Pitt Town Road, Kenthurst NSW
+61 (0)2 9654 9227

4 Kent Street
+61 (0)41 886 2016

Golden Grove Nursery is a large commercial citrus, fruit tree and ornamental production nursery and also has a retail nursery outlet fronting the Bruce Highway in Torbanlea, Queensland, Australia.

The nursery is family owned business and operated by Wayne, Sue Ella & Thomas Parr and has been supplying Queensland commercial citrus growers with high quality containerised Citrus Nursery Trees since 1987 and currently supplying over 200,000 nursery trees per year (with the capacity to supply 240,000 nursery trees) into the Queensland Citrus Industry and other fruit tree Industries.

Golden Grove Nursery is an accredited nursery with the 'Nursery Industry Accreditation Scheme of Australia' (NIASA).

The Crescent, Mildura, Victoria,
Australia, 3500
+61 (0)3 5021 1644

504 N. Kaweah Exeter, CA 93221
United States of America
+1 559 592 2304

TreeSource is a specialist in shipping budded citrus liners world-wide as well citrus rootstock seed and budwood. In addition, TreeSource sells over 350,000 trees per year to citrus growers in California USA. All trees conform to USDA protocols for the exclusion of vector transmitted diseases and uses budwood certified by the California Dept. of Ag clean stock program for citrus.

1901 S. Lexington Street Delano, CA 93215
United States of America
+1 661 720 2400

We are dedicated to providing the best quality and care to our customers, employees and produce. It’s who we are and where we come from.

The International Society of Citrus Nurseries (ISCN) was formed in 1981 to encourage information exchange and promote the highest quality in citrus production.